IS there a secret message in this weblog?

So what, you may ask, have I done to earn the giddy honour of addressing you all in this blog of mine? Unfortunately (and apologies if this sounds a little grand) much of what I did is still classified, but I can assure you that it was indeed done. What I can tell you is that during the War I was recruited as a Wren into Bletchley Park, a place I sincerely hope you have heard of. Whilst there it was discovered that I had something of a gift for maths and problem solving, skills which allowed me to dip my toes into some interesting waters - waters which, as I have mentioned, must remain muddied for a few years yet.

My interest in old codes goes all the way back to Sir Francis Bacon by literal translation of his old ciphers and even further back to the pigpen of the Masons and the scytale of the Spartans.

The new-fangled types of encryption my grandson has been working (rather too hard) on involve the use of galactic-sized prime numbers. These are indeed practically unbreakable, but are also absolutely impractical if one has only a few minutes to send a message.

The art of steganography or hiding a message where a message cannot be seen to be is rather more my cup of tea these days. And, as almost anyone will tell you, I do like my tea.